Friday, December 16, 2011

On The 9th Day Of Christmas, I Asked For This Gift...

"How Now Brown Cow" by Toni Hargreaves

A painting from my friend Toni Hargreaves.

I don't know how she does it...just look at this painting.  Isn't it amazing?  Look at the brush strokes in the fur.  Sometimes I love to just stare at her artwork because I can only dream of getting my cows this "photo-realistic" she's going to think I'm a stalker.

Let's go back in time, shall we? 

I discovered Toni on a Sunday (I know this because the kids were trying to jump all over me when I was on the computer and I remember yelling, "Fantastic!  Tomorrow you have school, why don't I look at this then?"

I'll remember minute details til I die...when I'm old and gray, I'll forget to eat but I'll remember to go for a walk.  I'm a goofball.

Back to our meeting.  I was perusing the Internet with kids jumping all over me as I spilled my coffee on my leg that was kid free, just missing the keyboard. 

When I stopped.

Who the heck is this amazing artist?  I had to contact her. 
I sent her an email...but why would this artist who does such amazing art even want to look at my work even though I told her how good she was (flattery should get you everywhere).  I was just a stranger who practically wrote her life story on the first email to this poor lady.   She probably was thinking..."hey goofball, I've got these beautiful bovine to paint...I'm busy."
Then I got an email back. 
The rest is history.  For now we are pen pals...she lives in the UK.  Maybe when she's doing a tour in North America she can come here. 
And paint our cows!
(Minus that gargantuan weed in the front)
I do want you to check out her website.  It's incredible.
My Christmas memory actually happened this year and was about Toni. 
First off, let me start by saying, I'm in no way guilting you into doing a painting for me Toni.  But this is funny.
Toni's was our first Christmas card.  The kids came home from school, and Cody and I were opening up the mail when I ran across it...some different looking postage, envelope...etc.  I ripped it open.  There was a neat newsletter that she had done up and a handwritten letter for me. 
There amongst this, was a cute little envelope.  What could it be?  I mean, there was already a letter and a newsletter. 

Could it be? 
I was like a kid ripping open a cereal box trying to find the prize inside. 
I looked at Cody....
"I bet I know what this is..."  I said out loud, trying not to rip the envelope.  "It's just got to be a little painting. I'm sure she knows how I idolize her work" I said, trying not to show too much excitement while the sweat beaded up on my upper lip as I was sooooo careful as not to rip what could be inside.
"She's so a-w-e-s-o-" I got cut off as I finally got the cutest little envelope open.
"Nope.  Just a Christmas card."  Cody said as he polished of his snack and went about his chores.  "But how's the first one!"
I hope you get a giggle out of this Toni!  I'm so glad we met!
Here's my charity for the day:  Feed My Starving Children
A blurb from their website:
Our MissionFeeding God’s Starving Children Hungry in Body and SpiritOur VisionWith God’s help Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) will strive to eliminate starvation in children throughout the world by helping to instill compassion in people to hear and respond to the cries of those in need.

A pretty thankful Fairchild Farmgirl

1 comment:

  1. I did Suzanne - THANKS! It's been great being able to be in touch and learn about life with your animals and the family of course! I remain absolutely astounded at the amount of work you get through and have time for the family too. You must have 40 hours in each of your days.
    Happy Christmas to you all.
