Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas Vacation

Let's face it, Christmas vacation means goofing off and having fun.  This was Grace acting silly on a nature walk that her and Kara took to find some good pictures to take. 

Having these kids home for almost two whole weeks is a blast. 

I mean it!

Two nights ago, we had game and craft night and we had chips and chili dip as well as a hot artichoke/ sun dried tomato dip which yes, some of my kids did like it!  That's okay, mom loves it and would've eaten the whole works.  No need for chips or crackers. =)

Last night the girls had a friend over and they watched a movie, then we all sat down for Gold Rush and Flying Wild Alaska.  It was a fun night.  Levi and I also got to card a little bit of wool he's very into that. 

I'm going through a lot of these.  This morning for example I used 15 eggs, I made a batch of 15 caramel rolls and 1 1/2 jugs of juice.  YIKES!  Through the last week, we've also went 6 loafs of bread alone.  Thank goodness we raise a lot of our own food. 

This could get expensive. =)

We've also gotten a lot of chores done.  We cleaned up around down by the cattle lots, the yard, the actual feedlot, the house, and hopefully before they go back, the shop. 

Yeah, they could stay home another three weeks and I'd have stuff for them to do. =)

"What?  No you can't go to school before Wednesday, there wouldm't be anyone there....oh that's perfect you say?"
Happy trails!
Fairchild Farmgirl


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